The design of communicating software has been implemented between substation-control layer and bay layer by object oriented program technology and C language separately. 分别用面向对象编语言VC++6.0和C语言开发变电站层主控单元和间隔层单元的通信软件,完成了变电站层与间隔层的通信软件的开发与设计。
Through probing into topology property of GIS data construction, based on characteristics of digitizing base data file, a sort of recording-input method of GIS data is gotten using object-oriented program language. 通过对GIS拓扑数据结构的探讨,结合数字化的原始数据文件特点,利用面向对象的程序设计语言进行编程处理,最后得到GIS的一种数据录入方法。
Component object model is a software criterion based on binary system standard and is independent on the program language. COM是一种基于二进制标准与编程语言无关的软件规范。
Language C, having rich functions, using conveniently and activity, and having high efficiency of it's object program, not only has the merit of high language, but also has the characteristic of low level language. 而C语言功能丰富,使用灵活方便,目标程序效率高,既有高级语言的优点,又有低级语言的特点。
On the basis of GIS technology, the wetland flood routing simulation module is established with object oriented program language of Visual C++, under OpenGL program environment. It provides an operating and analyzing visualization environment for three-dimension terrain simulation and flood routing simulation. 以GIS技术为基础,采用面向对象的编程语言VC++,结合可视化的编程环境OpenGL建立湿地洪水演进仿真模块,为三维地形仿真和洪水演进模拟提供一个可操作分析的虚拟环境。
Delphi is an Excellent efficient visual tool for Object Oriented program development produced by Borland Software Corporation. It's called "the forth programming language" for its small size but powerful functions. Delphi是Inprise(原Borland)公司推出的一种优秀的高效而快速的可视化面向对象软件开发工具,它短小精悍,但功能强大,被称作第四代编程语言。
Based on the fundamentals of system analysis and by applying the structural analysis/ design and object oriented programming method, a practical computer system of the early warning to cotton bollworm calamity and the auxiliary control decision making with VB6.0 as program language was developed. 依据棉铃虫灾变预警与防治决策及系统分析原理,采用结构化分析与结构化设计和面向对象的设计方法,应用VB编程开发而成。
VB is object oriented program language, Trail chart with it, the step of solution of chart trail law can be expressed in proper order, and the machine processing technology of part can be generated. VB是面向对象的程序语言,用它开发的程序界面友好,便于操作,用它将图表跟踪法的求解步骤一一表达出来,就能生成零件的机加工工艺。